Biyernes, Disyembre 23, 2016

OPINION: Save memories, not money

Whenever someone talks about the M word, one thing pops out in our mind; and that is a good life, a comfortable one, that’s what money can offer. But why do some people, although living the life others can only dream of, still not happy? The simple fact that every material pleasure is temporary, speaks for itself. People sacrifice their health to gain wealth, and then later sacrifice their wealth for health, isn’t that ironic? I mean, if you contemplate whether which of the two is more important, isn’t health the topmost priority? When saving money, you are preparing for future expenses. But no matter how much you have saved, what use is that when you have no future to spend it for?
If there is anything very important that I learned about spending, that is to spend money on experiences, not things. Things fade away, they get lost, they get worn, but memories of experiences stay on you for as long as you live. Many people tell me to save; not that I don’t save at all, but for the past few years, I have done more spending than saving. I get scorned of course, perhaps because they don’t approve my habits, but the habit of spending allows me to feel the effect of money. Therefore I make no regrets, because I know that I came up with something good by doing so, and it benefits me in ways that thrift savers cannot feel. Treat yourself right, you deserve it. Money is meant to be spent; you can’t keep it in your vault forever, neither can you use it when you’re gone. After all, it’s just a piece of paper that has no value unless you use it.
                I have absolutely nothing against saving; I mean it’s good too, and yes, I save too. It just happened that spending, in contrast to saving, works better for me. Sometimes, what other people tell you is not always what’s good for you. You need to be independent enough to explore your choices and see which fits best. Living a happy and contented life doesn’t need to be pricey, some people can settle a simple life yet live just as happy as a wealthy billionaire. It’s all really just a matter of choice. When you save more, you are preparing for the future. On the other hand, when you spend more, you are bringing the future right in front of you. So don’t be afraid to spend. And one more thing; don’t spend the money that hasn’t gone through your wallet first, it’s not advisable unless at utmost needs, you know what I mean.